Wednesday, April 1, 2009

White Peonie

Another paintings, 14" x 18" done during a recent Robert Warren workshop.


moneythoughts said...


I was just checking out people that like painting and came across your blog. As my memory is not very good, I can't remember if I have seen your paintings before, so I wrote down your blog's address.

I love your story about how you finally got into painting. Beautiful story. But, you are also a very talented artist. Your work is quite good.

I write a blog, MONEYTHOUGHTS, about the economy and the markets, and I post my art work on Saturdays. "Saturdays Is For Art" is a collection of my work. My art work is usually politcial in content and tends to be liberal in perspective. If you have trouble falling asleep, you may want to try reading my blog. At the very least, check out my art work, I am self taught except my father was a trained artist and I have looked at art my whole life.

I will drop back from time to time to check out your work.

Take care and be well.


Pauline x said...

Hi Kathy..... beautiful and sensuous colours you've created in this piece.
Happy creating...regards...